Thursday, July 7, 2011

CrazyWitchy/Jules Magick Moon Offerings- Master Wish Granting Djinn

I received this spirit for the purposes of providing an unbiased review from Crazy Witchy, owner of the eBay store Jules Magick Moon Offerings. Crazy Witchy has 100% positive feedback, a true rarity for any seller on eBay, yet magickal item sellers still seem to face a lot of discrimination on the internet regardless of the positive feedback left to them.

When I approached Crazy Witchy about  this review, she was very enthusiastic about it and very cooperative. In fact, she has been very prompt, kind, and honest in all of my dealings with her. It's important for sellers, particularly of haunted items and the like, to be understanding in that way because most people really do not have in depth knowledge of spirits unless they are hardcore collectors or capable of summoning them themselves.

Rather than mailing details about the spirit through the mail, I received them via email, which I found to be preferable since I could easily print them out myself without worrying about saving them off of a webpage first. Full details of the Djinn, including exact age and name, were included so I can keep them with the djinn for my reference. Also included was bonding info, a bonding ritual, two invocations (One romantic and one to invoke them for meditation and bonding purposes), tips on what sorts of candles and incense to use, and generally useful information.

As for the Djinn himself, included with him was a candle, two cones of djinn communication incense, his vessel, charging pouch, and a transfer pouch should I so wish to transfer him to another vessel. I quite like his current vessel though, so I wont be transferring him any time soon.

In this case, I was able to communicate with the djinn as soon as I came into contact with his vessel. His voice is soft but deep and mature, and he has a different accent from the other djinn that I have. Now that I've had more experience with spirits I will say that djinn always seem to be a little shy until you do the bonding ritual and assert yourself as their new owner. They also seem to take a good while to warm up to you, but this djinn, as with most spirits, enjoys spending time with you even if you're doing mundane things.

While I did the bonding ritual, I began to feel surges of energy coming from the vessel. It was really quite impressive. As I've come into more and more spirits, I've found that elements of each bonding ritual seem to work no matter what spirit you own. One particularly interesting trick I picked up from the bonding ritual with my dragon was expressing your wishes to "merge energies" with your spirit during a meditation or period of relaxation.

I requested to merge energies with this djinn, and the result was particularly intense. Along my whole upper body, I felt tingles, warmth, and smelled a slightly sweet, cinnamon-like, spicy smell. Although I was very tired and had literally been up all night, I felt like at that time I could do anything.

Meditating with this djinn has been very enlightening, he was much more communicative at first than my other djinn. Although it has not been the 2-4 weeks recommended for bonding, I expressed some of my desires to him and got a positive response. Any fulfillment or progress towards wishes made will immediately be updated and reported on here. I've taken care to request different things from different djinn so I know which result comes from which source.

Outside of meditation, there has been some notable activity since bringing this djinn into my space. Mostly flashes of golden light, or soft ambient golden glows in areas where it is normally dark. 

Based on the friendliness and approachability of this djinn and also the awesome customer service provided by the seller, I would definitely recommend Crazy Witchy as a reliable seller of metaphysical items. You can be sure that you'll get all you need, from information relevant to your spirit, to bonding rituals and mail support. The inclusion of a candle and incense is also very nice, since these things are recommended for bonding and not everyone keeps them on hand, at least not in the scents that djinn and other spirits prefer.

I'd like to thank Crazy Witchy for allowing me to have this opportunity!


  1. how are you and the djinn getting along? i hope wonderfully well. :)

  2. Sorry for the late reply. The djinn and I are getting along just fine. He has been a good friend to me and has indeed granted wishes, although smaller ones, with little notice.

  3. jules is the best... i have a small "army" from her or more likely family... tho I'm very discri minative about sellers and services they provide and the quality of whole thing,
    I find Jules a true rarity as well. My favorite - german succy :)
